Fitness is a term that is often used interchangeably with health, but the two are not exactly the same. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, while fitness is the ability to perform physical activity without undue fatigue.

The components of “fitness” include strength, cardio, flexibility, and balance. Strength is the ability of your muscles to contract and produce force. Cardio is the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to your muscles. Flexibility is the ability of your joints to move through their full range of motion. Balance is the ability of your body to maintain its equilibrium.  All four of these components of fitness are important for overall health and well-being.

There are many different ways to improve your fitness. You can join a gym, take fitness classes, or simply start exercising on your own. There are many different types of exercise, so you can find something that you enjoy and that fits into your lifestyle. There are also a LOT of free videos and inexpensive fitness apps to help guide you along the way. (I post free workouts on Instagram each week @Hlthchic!)

If you are new to exercise, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them. Remind yourself,  “Every little bit helps. Every step counts”. It really does!

Improving your fitness is a lifelong journey. There will be times when you are motivated and times when you are not. But if you stick with it, you will reap the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some tips for improving your fitness:

  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with small goals and gradually increase them over time.
  • Find an activity that you enjoy. Exercise should be something that you look forward to, not something that you dread.
  • Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Schedule time for exercise each day and stick to your schedule as much as possible.
  • Find a workout buddy. Exercising with a friend can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  • Listen to your body. Take breaks when you need them and don’t push yourself too hard.
  • Be patient. It takes time to see results from exercise. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.

Once you find the activities you enjoy most, make appointments with yourself to help stay on track. Improving your fitness is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being. Remember, building and maintaining MUSCLE (lifting weights) is a marker related to overall longevity. Today is some day. Carpe Diem.

Won’t you join me on this journey? It is a journey that is well worth taking.


P.S. To understand how lifting weights and muscle impacts your overall health, see these prior blog posts:


What’s that? Healthspan is the period of life during which a person is healthy and free from disease. It is different from lifespan, which is the total number of years a person lives. A person can have a long lifespan but a short healthspan, or vice versa. I want my healthspan to align with my lifespan, don’t you?   To do this, I’ll focus on these 3 things: strength training, eating healthy, and sleeping well.

So, here’s the thing, as we age, our bodies “can” go through a number of changes. My friends, I’m here to tell you that many age-related declines in health are related to lifestyle decisions…not age. And, one of the most significant changes is a decrease in muscle mass. The loss of muscle mass can lead to a number of problems, including decreased strength, balance, and bone density. In fact, muscle is so important, that it is used to determine not just lifespan and healthspan, but as a metric that unlocks our longevity potential!

To combat potential aging changes, it’s very important to strength train. Strength training helps to build muscle mass and improve bone density. It can also help to improve balance and coordination.

If you’re wondering how to get started, there are a number of different ways to strength train. One popular method is to use weights. Weights can be used to target specific muscle groups or to do full-body workouts. While a gym can provide a variety of options, it’s quite easy to get a great workout from home using your body weight, bands, gliders, or a ball.  Resistance bands are a great option for individuals new to strength training or who have joint pain.

No matter which method you choose, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the weight or resistance as you get stronger.

In addition to strength training, it is also important to eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet includes plenty of protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit ultra-processed foods and try to avoid chemicals, dyes, and preservatives AND be aware that “natural flavors” aren’t healthy. Read your labels!

To help your muscle-building efforts on the diet side, protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that are essential for overall health. Whole grains provide fiber, which can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

It is also important to get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for muscle recovery. When you sleep, your body releases hormones that help to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Most adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night. However, some people may need more or less sleep. (see prior post about sleep!)

Finally, it is important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them. If you are feeling pain, stop the exercise and rest.

While strength training is a great way to stay healthy and fit as you age, below are some additional tips for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness today:

  • Start slowly. If you are new to exercise, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time.
  • Find an activity that you enjoy. There are many different types of exercise, so find one that you enjoy and that fits into your lifestyle.
  • Set realistic goals. Don’t expect to see results overnight. It takes time and effort to see changes in your body.
  • Be patient. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep at it, and you will eventually reach your goals.
  • Listen to your body. If you are feeling pain, stop the exercise and rest. Don’t push yourself too hard.
  • Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet is essential for overall health and fitness. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for muscle recovery and overall health. Most adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially when you are exercising.
  • Manage stress. Stress can take a toll on your health and fitness. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, or meditation.

Following these tips can help you stay healthy and fit as you age.

As my friend Sharon likes to ask, “What have you got to GAIN?”

To read more:

The Best Anti-Aging Secrets Aren’t So Secret

Avoid These Seed oils (PUFAs) & Why

The Fountain of Youth (Lifting!)

Have you started a workout program only to have it derailed when life gets busy or tough?  Friends, I’m here to tell you: You.Can.Do.This. YOU are strong. See, strength isn’t about being the fastest or running the farthest.  Strength is about showing up for your commitments to yourself consistently & with a positive attitude.

Big, bodacious goals are great. But…did you know there is a LOT of success achieved when reaching 80% of your goals? You see, it’s not about perfection and 100% day in, day out. It’s about the consistency of effort. Consistency is arguably the most important component when working to accomplish goals, in or out of the gym. Without consistency, efforts can be thwarted and forming habits can be more challenging.

If you find yourself struggling to stay on track, check out the strategies below to help with your health and fitness goal success:

Remember your why. Whether you’re prepping for the next competition, trying to get healthy, learning a new skill, or just trying to live life fuller, remember why you are trying to workout. Find your why, write it down, and reference it often!

Something is better than nothing. Have you ever skipped the gym because you couldn’t finish your workout?  It is always better to do something than nothing at all. When you do something, you begin to develop a habit/routine that improves your health.  If you walked instead of working out intensely, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you did something.

Find an activity you enjoy that keeps your body moving whether it is going on a walk, riding a bike, playing a game of soccer or basketball, practicing handstands (a work in progress for me), or whatever.  Just do it.

The key is not to prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities.  Let’s be honest, life can get busy and hectic and crazy. Make taking care of yourself a priority so you can take care of others.   When you have the most energy in the day, so do your best to work out then. Schedule it.  Pay attention when you hear yourself say, “I don’t have time” because what you are really saying is that “It’s not important enough”. Schedule your priorities.

Listen to your body. Follow your body’s cues and modify your workouts accordingly.  Instead of doing your full workout, you can modify weights or the number of sets — or even do some mobility/stretching. Not only is it ok, but it’s also smart to listen to your body and adjust.

Imagine how you will feel after your workout (or a week or month or year)! Our bodies are meant to move and a body in motion stays in motion.  Visualizing the “after” can help.

Find community and accountability. Surround yourself with others who are seeking similar actions. This is huge for me. I am SO grateful to my fitness friends for our mutual motivation & learnings shared over the years.

Create a plan with SMART goals. Write them down, post them where you can see them, and then share them with your friends and family. There are many ways to set goals and track success – experiment and find what works for you. (See my blog posts on goal setting.)

I hope these strategies help you get and stay on track with your workouts!


  • No one is perfect
  • Everyone’s “strong” looks different, and
  • Consistency has a bigger impact than anything

Consistency is more powerful than strength and speed and it will take you further than stamina and talent in this journey.

So, you got this. YOU are strong. And yes, you can!

As always, so thankful for your time for reading.


Hey friends, did you know that according to multiple studies, fiber can reduce the risk of obesity, chronic diseases, and rapid aging?  Yep…

Here’s how it works in your body…fiber slows down the rate at which food enters your bloodstream and speeds up the rate at which it exits your digestive tract. So, as well as balancing blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels, fiber aids in the quick release of toxins from your gut and curbs your appetite and it feeds friendly bacteria in the gut. 

How much do you need? You should probably get 30-50 grams of fiber into your diet every day, with some variance based on your age and sex. It is also important to choose the right kind of fiber for your body.

It is generally believed that bran is the best fiber to eat. But….bran, or wheat fiber, is mostly insoluble and not digestible. Imagine it as a scouring pad for your intestines. While that’s good for getting you regular, soluble fiber is better for your health.

Where can you find soluble fiber? It’s found in fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and most whole grains. When the soluble fiber in these foods is metabolized by bacteria in your gut, the health benefits begin….benefits like lowering cholesterol, blood sugar, & insulin levels, preventing cancer, balancing hormone levels, removing excess estrogen, and reducing the risk of breast cancer, providing mineral food for colon cells, and more. In short, soluble fiber is essential for good health.

If you are looking for some recipes to boost your fiber intake, I got you covered! Just check out  some of my high-fiber recipe options:

Til next time, love, laugh, lift & EAT FIBER!  :-0




Super Human (good read by Dave Asprey)

National Library of Medicine – High Fiber Diet

Mayo Clinic article on fiber benefits

Healthline Benefits of Fiber Types


Gyms are great, but they certainly aren’t necessary to get a great workout. If you don’t have access to a gym or are uncomfortable working out in public, you can still enjoy a quality workout from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere).

Exercises that use body weight are key. You can improve your strength and create resistance with the exercises below just using your body weight. Check out these three simple — yet effective — exercises to help get you started:

Bodyweight Squats – Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform bodyweight squats. Slowly bend your knees and point your toes outward. Make sure your back is straight and your core is engaged. Repeat 6X in a row to complete one set.

Planks – Start in a push-up position, then lay your forearms flat on the floor with your elbows aligned below your shoulders. Make sure your body is straight and your core is engaged. Start by holding the position for at least 10 seconds (or longer if you can). Depending on your comfort level, repeat this exercise 3-5X.

Dips – Start by sitting on the edge of a chair and doing tricep dips. Slowly walk your feet forward while gripping the chair with both hands at your sides. Make sure your knees do not extend past your toes. Lower your body so that your elbows bend above you at a 90-degree angle. Repeat 6X in a row to complete one set.

Last, finish your strength training session with a quick cardio session (e.g., dancing, jump-roping, or a brisk walk around the block). The goal should be to get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity that includes at least two days of strength training per week.

Now that you know how to do the basics, you can start enjoying the benefits of exercise without spending a fortune on a gym membership or leaving your home!

Don’t we all want a robust, healthy life? I do! To feel and look our best then, it is important to maximize energy production so we feel naturally energetic all day and preserve and maintain lean muscle mass throughout life.

How does inferior energy production occur? It is the result of… (drumroll) … too much stillness.  Inactivity makes you tired. Energy is a renewable resource, so if we don’t get brief explosive intervals and burn calories through other forms of movement and exercise, we have less energy. When we lead an energetic lifestyle, it leads to more energy. Funny how that works. We see this impact with aging and lifespan.

What about muscle? Unfortunately, we (society) have begun to normalize accelerated declines of muscle as a part of aging. It’s NOT normal. The spare tire is a sign of less than stellar metabolic health – not aging. Much of what is considered a result of aging is a byproduct of lifestyle. But, that’s good news because that means we have the power to positively impact our health. We have now learned that lean muscle mass is basically a proxy for good metabolic health.

Bottom line: the more we can focus on improving body composition & increasing energy levels, the better our health AND the more gracefully we will age. (nice side benefit!)

To achieve those two objectives, below are five tips to help:

  1. Reduce or eliminate junk food (processed foods) from the diet.
  2. Emphasize nutrient dense foods.
  3. Move more throughout the day. (Check out my workout tab for Instagram reels offering a variety of 4-minute Tabata style workouts!)
  4. Perform brief, intense workouts.
  5. Practice stress management.

Since many people start the new year with weight loss goals, below is an expansion on the first tip above (#1). 

Pay attention to oils. I’ve talked about industrial seed oils in my reels (along with a quick & easy balsamic dressing recipe), but here’s why paying attention to these oils matters: consuming processed foods WILL lead to sneaky weight gain. Try making use of Extra Virgin First Pressed Domestic olive oil as a priority (or avocado oil, as runner up). Understand “why” & search for the negative impacts of industrial seed oils and READ ingredient labels to see which products contain these nasty oils. BTW, even your favorite restaurant is using the cheap stuff and most (even “healthy”) salad dressings contain damaging oils. Also of interest is that studies show that up to 40% of calories consumed when dining out come from these industrial seed oils – so it’s difficult to avoid!  These poor quality seed oils interfere with your body’s ability to burn stored fat.  Often these ugly oils are paired with processed foods (#1).  When cooking at home, ditch canola oil and try ghee, coconut butter, avocado oil or olive oil. Set aside some time to check out your pantry and fridge and get rid of processed “foods” with these oils. Sadly, our “Standard American Diet” is truly S.A.D.  (Check out the book, “Why We Get Fat” at your local library).

Ditch refined sugars and grains. These are deficient in nutrients and contribute to many health issues by releasing endotoxins from the gut and inhibit energy.  

Watch for foods high in natural plant toxins. These high plant toxin foods often contribute to leaky gut. This concept of avoiding or reducing offensive plants is part of the carnivore movement. I’m not advocating a specific diet, but asking you to be aware of how certain foods make you feel. Since plants cannot run away, they possess their own defense mechanisms for protection.  Pay attention to how you feel after consuming these foods (stems, seeds, roots, etc.) to determine if they bother you, and id so, consider other options to prepare or cook them differently (soak, sprout, ferment, cook) — or if you avoid them all together. (Check out research and information from Paul Saladino, MD & make up your mind.)

Avoid gluten – it’s is a big offender for many people & can increase the risk of leaky gut.

Last, pay attention to how you feel after you eat. You shouldn’t feel anything, really. Not full, not bloated, not tired, nothing. If you do, that food is likely to be one to avoid. At least for a few months before re-introducing it to your diet.

Listen, we are all in this journey of life together. The more we learn, share and apply positive actions to our lives, the better our lives will be.

Friends, live well, laugh often, and be playful.


As we reflect on 2022 and set new goals for2023, improving personal wellness is often at the top of the list.  To kick off your new year with health improvement success, consider the tips below to integrate better health into your life.

  • Set specific goals.  Take goals like “eating healthier” or “losing weight”, for example.  Instead of a general goal, aim for a specific amount of clean protein per meal, eating 3-5 servings of vegetables or fruit a day, or eliminating processed foods. Instead of “losing weight” strive to lift weights (take a yoga or HITT class, etc.) for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week along with walking X times per week for X minutes. Making specific goals can help you stay on track. (See prior post.)  
  • Get good sleep. I have written several blogs about the importance of sleep because it’s SO ESSENTIAL to overall health and well-being. (Check out the most recent post on sleep here.)
  • Establish good stress management routines.  Whether physical or mental, techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help you relax.  Or, consider reorganizing your space to help de-clutter.
  • Make recovery a priority. Seriously. Taking time to rest and repair is as important as your physical activity – especially if you are seeking performance improvements. Try to add a little time to your day (or at the end of your workouts) to roll, stretch, or incorporate some kind of compression or massage therapy and do your body good!
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. This is an important one for every aspect of performance, training, weight loss, stress management – you name it. You know the drill here: try to reduce or eliminate processed foods & soft drinks (including so called healthy energy drinks) and incorporate a variety of vegetables and clean proteins into your diet.   
  • Hydrate! Did you know being dehydrated negatively impacts mental and physical performance while proper hydration can help reduce fatigue and muscle soreness? Hydration is a super easy place to start. Consider starting your day with a glass of lemon water and counting your glasses of water to ensure proper hydration.
  • Practice gratitude. Rick Warren (A Purpose Driven Life) reminds us that regardless of where we are in life, we always have our feet on two tracks – one of opportunities and blessings… and the other with challenges or problems to solve. Spend time each day purposefully appreciating the positive “track”.

Doing these things will help you start the new year in a positive direction and set yourself up for success. And remember, it’s easier to establish and stick to new habits with a supportive network. Share your goals and surround yourself with like-minded people.

I wish you the BEST of health, happiness & dreams fulfilled.

Cheers & happy 2023!


The proverbial “fountain of youth”…sought by many and assumed to be so elusive. But….is it?

The truth is, much of we have come to believe as “age related decline” is not age related, but rather LIFESTYLE related –AND we can do something about each of these factors.  Boiling multiple studies down to a nutshell, we’ve learned there are six primary lifestyle factors were repeatedly identified:

  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Managing stress
  • Building social connections
  • Avoiding toxins, and
  • Diet

In other words, what you put into your body (or don’t), movement, socializing and sleep will impact how long you live and the quality of your life.

I’ve written about sleep before (see prior blogs) – but by now, most of you are aware of the factors that can impact a good night’s sleep. However you may not have bought into what a key role sleep plays in health, mind function, energy, and inflammation…and how it aids the other 5 longevity factors listed above.

If aging well and FEELING GOOD are important to you, prioritize sleep and then focus on the other factors. Here are a few ideas to help improve your sleep habits:

1. Establish a bedtime routine: (warm shower or bath)

  • Journal. (writing down thoughts, worries or to-dos will get them out of your head)
  • Read a book.
  • Meditate. (I have to say I love a guided meditation to fall asleep to or ocean sounds..)

2. Check out your sleep environment:

  • 60-67 degrees is ideal.
  • Are loud sounds blocked out? (a white noise machine may help)
  • Black out shades are great for keeping light from coming in.

3. We can’t omit the blue light conversation. (phone, TV, tablet, computer)

  • Sorry, but it’s true…blue light can be super disruptive. It’s best to shut screens down 2 hours BEFORE bed.

4. Become aware of when you last eat or drink.

  • You know that saying, “Eat with the sun, sleep with the moon”? It’s a good rule to follow. If you go to bed by 10, you’ll want to have dinner by 6 or 7.
  • Watch fluids …you know why.
  • That includes alcohol. Without exception, alcohol negatively impacts sleep. Cut off alcohol about the same time as dinner and limit consumption.

5. A good night’s sleep begins with bright sun light early in the day. This will keep your body’s circadian rhythm in sync and turn off melatonin.

6. Exercise or be active – just not right before bedtime!

So there you go. Feeling your best and aging well are mostly in your hands. Take a couple ideas and start incorporating them into your life because today is “some” day. Carpe diem & sleep well my friends, sleep well.

”Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” –  Thomas Dekker

Over time, we’ve moved to a life of convenience with more and more meals eaten out or ordered in…and now since Covid-19, food service deliveries have really ramped up. Generally, eating a home-cooked meal is the healthiest option, however with a few intentional strategies, you can still stick to your health goals even when the meal isn’t prepared at home. 

First, remember “portion distortion”…while calories are not created equal, most restaurants provide meals that, calorie-wise, could feed a small army. Fortunately, most restaurants offer calorie counts for their menu items (and if not, a quick search on the web can get your pretty darn close). Try to aim for 600-700 calories or less. And, keep an eye on “add-ons”. But please, don’t let the restaurant dictate what a true “serving” is or the proper balance of protein and veggies. Instead of eating a “multi-serving” meal, try splitting your meal with a dinner partner – or immediately put half of it in a to-go container and save the other half for the next day.

Choose your restaurant wisely. Spend a few minutes looking over restaurants that have healthier options like assorted vegetables (not fried), lower sodium, avoidance of seed oils, and other healthy protein options like fish, nuts, legumes. For your protein, look for food items that are broiled, baked or grilled vs. fried.

Upgrade! If you are eating rice, opt for brown rice if you can. Reduce the carbs as needed. One of my favorite salads comes with brown rice and I ask the restaurant to cut the amount of rice by 2/3 and increase the kale by the same. Can you ask for more veggies? Is there a gluten free bread option? 

Watch liquid sugar. In other words, sip smarter. Soft drinks/juices are not your friend (even if “sugar free”) – but that’s a topic for another day. Water (carbonated or not) or unsweetened tea are better options. There are plenty of ways to add a little flavor — my favorite is half a squeezed lemon, but any kind of fresh or frozen fruit are nice.

While we are on the subject of liquid sugar, we can throw mixed or frozen drinks (alcohol) into this section, too. Our bodies just don’t need excess energy (calories), so what will they do when we bring in more than we need? Store it! And trust me when I tell you, “You cannot out-train a bad diet”! It’s just better to make balanced choices.

Sidesare they really necessary? Can you swap them out with vegetables – or do you even really need them depending on your entree? Much of the time, sides are just more nutrition deficient calories.

Maybe cook a “little”. This is something we often incorporate at home. I’ve found with meal deliveries, vegetables may not fare well or are limited –or maybe the side has cheese or sauce we didn’t want (like one using canola oil). So, we keep a couple zucchinis, spinach, carrots or broccoli around that we can easily sauté or roast seasoned just to our liking. Or, maybe we’ll mash a bit of avocado with Landry’s seasoning. (If you haven’t experienced this delight, TRY IT!!)

My friends, I am right there with you on needing a break from cooking after a long work day, but eating out doesn’t have to derail your health goals. Just become a little more intentional around where you go and the selections you make. And, ENJOY it!

Guys, here’s a sobering fact: Americans are experiencing a shift…life expectancy has begun to decline. I’m talking men AND women. And, not because of genetic changes…but due to our lifestyles — what we eat (or what we don’t eat which can be just as important), what we are exposed to, the quality of our sleep, etc.
You might ask, “With so many lifestyle choices, where does one begin?” My humble vote is to start with the gut.  Why? Well, for starters, healthy gut bacteria:
  • Regulates digestion & metabolism
  • Impacts our body’s immune system
  • Blocks harmful microbes
  • Extracts & make vitamins &  other nutrients from ingested food
  • Produces anti-microbial chemicals to fight off pathogens
  • Builds & maintains our gut wall to protect us from outside invaders
  • Plays a  CRUCIAL role with brain health  
So now that we know the “why gut” — where do we go from here? Let’s first consider food and nutritional intake. The reason is because the wrong dietary/foods will impact the integrity of our gut lining and that increases inflammation in the body. This is important because there is a correlation of inflammatory markers with most common diseases like coronary heart disease, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, autism, diabetes, and cancers. This, my friends, makes our gut bacteria is tres importante! 
Knowing which foods contribute to bodily inflammation can be done with a food sensitivity test. Or, you can keep a journal noting what you eat and how you feel afterwards. You can get a pretty darn good indication of offending foods from a food journal.
Going one step further with some type of inflammatory testing is a GREAT idea especially if you are on medications for a chronic condition or battling (or have battled) one of the diseases above. There are a couple basic lab tests for inflammation including determining C – reactive protein, TMAO (trimethylamine oxide), or TNF (tumor necrosis factor) levels. Please…find out if you have inflammation and FIX IT! If you think you shouldn’t look at these markers until you are middle age, think again.
Don’t wait to test because studies have shown those people with inflammatory levels in their 30’s/40’s have the worst memories 24 years later (and brain shrinkage). David Perlmutter, the author or Grain Brain (newly updated, btw), suggests we fix the roof when the sun is shining. My younger adult friends, this means you. Pregnant women, this means you. My middle aged peers….THIS MEANS YOU.
Not motivated yet? There was another study done correlating the size of one’s belly and the risk for dementia. This test spanned 36 years. You guessed it, there was a DIRECT correlation.  Another easy test to help here is to determine oxidation of LDL with a glycated hemoglobin test (or A1C). The higher the A1C, the greater the brain shrinkage (seriously).
Please don’t buy into the pharmaceutical companies making money off of Alzheimer’s drugs (which are mostly ineffective and cause people to decline faster) when the natural solution is right in front of us. Yes my friends, we have to be intentional. And yes, we will have to let go of artificial and way-over-sized portioned conveniences of eating out frequently, but isn’t the payoff worth it?  BTW, the SAME efforts to improve brain function and improve gut health will (drum roll) improve your overall health and help you lose unneeded fat.
My short list for improving your diet is this:
    • Eliminate gluten & processed flour foods
    • Reduce consumption of inflammatory red meat and other inflammatory proteins (btw there are more than a few studies relating to the consumption of red meat and colorectal cancer…) 
    • Eat LESS protein – and when you do, make sure it’s clean (antibiotic /hormone free) like wild fish or some hormone /free range eggs) 
    • Increase diversity of high fiber vegetables
Next, I recommend reading the new Grain Brain book by David Perlmutter or Dave Asprey’s Game Changers for specific recommendations relating to resting insulin, vitamin D levels, hemoglobin A1C levels, fasting blood sugar, the amount of exercise, the amount/quality of sleep, etc.
YOU are worth the education and investment of time to learn what’s best for you (and your loved ones). AT the very least, search for podcasts with key words and these authors’ names and learn while you drive. 
What have you got to GAIN? (Check my past posts if you’re still not sure!)
Until next time. Love yourself. Hug a person or a pet. Get outside. Laugh.


P.S. Want some more goodness on this subject?