I like mantras and affirmations. Let’s face it. Life happens. And there are times we all go through that just straight up “suck egg” (a polite term one of my friend’s uses). Ironically, it’s in these lousy times that we learn the most about ourselves and receive some of life’s greatest rewards. During tough times, it can be hard to think about anything other than what’s going on. Whether you are going through a tough time or want more focus on a positive result, mantras can provide powerful changes in thought, word and deed!

How does the mind/body connection work? Well, in a nutshell, attitude matters. You get what you expect. Most important, however, is the fact that happiness is a choice. It doesn’t mean that “suck egg” won’t happen. It does mean, however, that you have complete control on how you handle what life throws your way.

I’ve had multiple “suck egg” situations in life. One of the biggest was the “c” experience. Would I have opted for cancer for the life learnings I got out of it? Nooooo, thank you! To help get through it, however, I used multiple mantras. One I spoke repeatedly was, “I choose LIFE” and “My body is strong, healthy, and free and clear of disease.” I said these out loud every morning, driving my car, at quite times, before bed, while getting chemo, while puking my guts up, or while feeding my little ones when I was nauseous. Spoken words are powerful. And, energy flows where focus goes.

Mantras are not new. They are a cornerstone in meditation, prayer, goal achievement, competition, and in life in general. Mentally, they work as affirmations of one’s own higher consciousness and divinity, which can work to replace limiting beliefs. On a physical level, the repetition of mantras has multiple effects creating energy patterns and vibrations.

On a spiritual level, the repetition of sacred mantras helps us to remember and strengthen their connection to the divine within. It soothes the mind and body, allowing for a greater expression of spirit. Personally, I like the repetition of a mantra to tame and disarm my ego…which is often the very thing placing limits on my desires.compete every

Mantras are not new. They have been used for thousands of years because they are extremely powerful and effective. Ready to give it a try?

Peruse the internet. Find the statements that resonate with you. Write them down. Post them in visible places. Speak your mantras out loud. Find sites that motivate you. One of my favorites is Compete Every Day. This company produces limited run Athletic and fashion wear with bold, powerful mantras. They have wonderful newsletters and Facebook quotes. Plus, you should see this week’s “Athlete of the Week”!

Go ahead, give it a try. What have you got to gain?

Tom Nikkola, CSCS, CISSN, Pn1 recently shared a blog with the above title. If you are like me, you appreciate Cliff notes, so here they are, short ‘n sweet:

  1. You’re probably not a high school athlete anymore.

Be sensible, ‘nuff said.

  1. Your body will change when you challenge it, not when you punish it.

One of my favorite quotes is, “You can’t expect 100% results with 50% of the effort.” Training is like life, you get out of it what you put into it.

  1. Exercise is just a stimulus. Nutrition and sleep are what actually change your body.

Train to change your body, then fuel and recover (sleep) properly to allow your body and hormones to do their thing.

  1. Sometimes, doing an exercise wrong is worse than not doing it at all.

I’ve been certified for over 20 years, but will be first to admit I don’t know it all and I love to learn new ways to train and/or a better way. Don’t be afraid to seek help. Keep learning & sharpen the saw.

  1. The sauna and steam room can help you recover faster.

Heat speeds recovery, lowers oxidation, increases growth hormone, and is detoxifying. Plus, it makes your body inhospitable to unwelcomed bacteria and viruses.

  1. Nutrition and supplementation can lessen the muscle soreness.

This subject alone could be a year’s worth of blogs. Let food be they medicine and medicine be thy food. If you do supplement, consider curcumin and/or coconut oil.

  1. You don’t have to be a runner, but you should view the process of getting fit as a marathon, and not a sprint.

You didn’t get where you are overnight, so don’t expect overnight results. One bad meal won’t make you fat—on the other hand, one week of workouts & healthier eating won’t make you fit.

To obtain better results, you can use a fat cavitation machine, if you do not have much information about this you can visit twelvmag.com and read more about this incredible technology that will help you loosing weight faster.

Until next time, live strong. Be fit. Laugh often. And smile.

What have you got to gain?

Interested in reading more about the benefits of Curcumin or Coconut Oil?




