We all know the struggle: you’re brimming with positivity, determined to think and speak happy thoughts. But then, negativity creeps in from those around you. Maybe they don’t understand the power of positive thinking, or perhaps they’re stuck in a rut of complaining and criticizing.

Here’s the good news: you have a choice! You don’t have to get sucked into the vortex of negativity.

The Secret Weapon: Your Tribe

The key to staying positive is surrounding yourself with like-minded people – your “positivity posse.” These are the friends, family, or colleagues who lift you up, inspire you, and celebrate your journey.

Power in Numbers:

Let’s face it, one positive voice is great, but two (or more!) are unstoppable! Partner up with someone who shares your positive outlook. Together, you can gently nudge conversations back towards the light, subtly reminding others of the power of a good attitude.

Leading by Example:

Even if you can’t directly change someone, you can still influence their world. Be the beacon of positivity! Inject optimistic statements into conversations, or simply steer the topic towards something uplifting. Your genuine enthusiasm will be contagious.

Know Your Limits:

Not everyone thrives on positivity. Sometimes, people cling to negativity as a comfort zone. Let them know you care, but also give them the space to find their own path.

The Art of the Exit:

If negativity becomes overwhelming, it’s okay to excuse yourself. Removing your energy from the situation sends a subtle yet powerful message.

Honest Talk:

For those close to you, an honest conversation about negativity might be the key. Remember, awareness is the first step to change.

Positivity is a Magnet:

By surrounding yourself with those who share your positive outlook, you create a powerful force field that attracts others. Soon, you’ll find your positivity posse growing, lighting up the world one positive thought at a time!

You got this!

Ever wonder how much energy you burn outside of the gym? It all comes down to “NEAT” or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis — the fancy way of saying calories burned through everyday activities. From walking the dog to cleaning the house, even minor movements add up throughout the day and contribute to your overall calorie expenditure.

Why is NEAT important?

Desk jockeys, listen up …you might think that gym time is enough, but neglecting movement throughout the day can hinder your progress. Here’s where NEAT comes in. By staying active during your daily routine, you can unlock a treasure trove of health benefits:

  • Burn more calories, all day long: Forget the all-or-nothing mindset. Every step, fidget, and chore adds up to a significant calorie burn, even outside of the gym.
  • Boost your overall health: NEAT isn’t just about aesthetics. It can contribute to better blood sugar control, a healthier heart, and easier weight management.

How to boost your NEAT:

The good news is, NEAT is everywhere! Here are some ideas to get you moving more:

  • Take the stairs: Ditch the elevator for a quick leg workout.
  • Park further away: Add a few extra steps to your errands.
  • Pace while on the phone: Turn those phone calls into mini walking breaks.
  • Fidget freely: Don’t be afraid to tap your foot or drum your fingers – it all adds up!
  • Stand up and move: Consider a standing desk or take short walking breaks throughout the workday.
  • Embrace daily activities: Cleaning, gardening, and playing with your kids are all NEAT opportunities.

Measuring NEAT:

While a “dressed up step count” isn’t the most precise method, aiming for 8,000-10,000 steps daily is a good starting point to track your NEAT activity.

Remember: Small steps = big results! Even simple movement boosts your body’s daily calorie burn, making you healthier.

Want more? Check out this NCBI research of this ISSA article on the subject!

You got this.



(Walk me!)

Friends, muscle loss is a common concern as we age, impacting strength, function, and overall health. Read on to learn what you need to know and how to combat or reverse it.

What is Muscle Loss?

Muscle loss, called sarcopenia, starts as early as your 30s and accelerates with age. It increases the risk of falls, and fractures, and limits daily activities. Experts believe inactivity, poor diet, genetics, and chronic conditions play a role.

The Good News:  Muscle loss is treatable! Here’s how:

  • Exercise: Strength training and aerobic activity are crucial.
  • Protein Power: Prioritize protein intake and consider EAA supplements for better absorption. (Check out my last few posts related to this subject…you’ll see why it’s near and dear to my heart!)
  • Stress Management & Sleep: Reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.
  • Regular Checkups: Early detection is key.

You also may want to consider an amino acid supplement after talking with your functional medicine practitioner. Here’s what I take during different periods of the year depending on that quarter’s goals. 

By taking action today, you CAN build AND maintain muscle health, stay active, and age powerfully.


As we age, our muscles naturally lose strength and mass. This is called sarcopenia, and it can make everyday tasks like getting dressed or climbing stairs more challenging.

You might think sarcopenia is a problem for much older people, but it actually starts earlier than you might think! Muscle strength and power (how quickly your muscles can contract) start to decline around age 40. This happens because some muscle fibers, called type II fibers, shrink faster with age than others. These type II fibers are the ones responsible for powerful movements.

As we age, we can lose muscle mass and strength. This is called sarcopenia, and it can make everyday activities like getting dressed or climbing stairs more difficult. You might think this is just something that happens when you get really old, but it starts earlier than you might expect.

Around 40, our muscles can start to lose their power and strength. This happens because the type of muscle fibers used for powerful movements (like sprinting or lifting heavy objects) are more prone to shrinking with age.

But, here’s the good news: even though muscle loss is common as we age, it’s not inevitable! Recent research shows that strength training with weights can actually reverse some of the age-related changes in these muscle cells! This means you can potentially slow down or even prevent muscle loss by incorporating resistance training into your routine.

So my friends, it’s never too late to start strengthening your muscles. AND, the benefits of preventing muscle loss with age are clear: regular exercise, especially weight training, can help you keep your muscles strong and functional as you age. Imagine a world where everyone feels strong and capable well into their golden years!

Are ya ready to get started? Let’s ditch the “too old” mentality and embrace the power of lifting. TODAY.

Stay active, lift some weights, and keep your muscles happy! They’ll thank you for it later.

Carpe Diem,
