Hi friends, is this you? Often, when starting a workout and weight loss program, we want to see results quickly! But…this can often lead to extreme measures (crazy, long workouts or super low-calorie diets) that are impossible to sustain.

To lose weight, start by making small, sustainable changes to your daily routine instead of trying to do too much at once. This will help you build discipline and avoid feeling overwhelmed, which can lead to giving up.

These small, repeatable habits will lead to lasting results.

So even if they seem small or insignificant, focus on doing them consistently. Remember, what we do consistently, we get good at.

If we consistently do things that make us gain weight, we will gain weight. If we consistently do things that help us lose weight, we will lose weight.

So focus on repeatable habits that can help you build a healthy lifestyle and see the results snowball over time.

Here are some examples of small, repeatable habits that can help you lose weight:

  • Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Add a squeeze of lemon or a few drops of chlorophyll for an added health boost.
  • Eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts as a snack instead of chips or candy… or start skipping snacks.
  • Take a walk after dinner instead of watching TV.
  • Track your steps and increase them each week.
  • Schedule your workouts – or work in short micro workouts throughout the day (try my Tabata workouts!)
  • Add stretching pre & post workouts.
  • Pay attention to protein intake and make sure you are getting at least 25-30 grams with every meal.
  • Cook more meals at home instead of eating out.
  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other small changes you can make to your daily routine to help you lose weight. The most important thing is to find habits that you can stick with over time.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about making progress…one small step at a time.

You GOT this!

P.S.  Our body doesn’t like change. It can feel threatened and this mechanism is a part of how it protects us to survive.

What I’m trying to say is the longer you’ve had the weight — or the farther you are from your goal, the longer it will probably take for you to get there — especially if it means hitting a new level of leanness you’ve never achieved before.

So while you may look at your friend who gained 12 pounds (like you) and you want your results to happen just as fast, IF you’ve had the weight on for a year and she just gained it on vacation, it’s probably going to come off more quickly for her.

Be patient. Be consistent. Don’t give up.


Fitness is a term that is often used interchangeably with health, but the two are not exactly the same. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, while fitness is the ability to perform physical activity without undue fatigue.

The components of “fitness” include strength, cardio, flexibility, and balance. Strength is the ability of your muscles to contract and produce force. Cardio is the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to your muscles. Flexibility is the ability of your joints to move through their full range of motion. Balance is the ability of your body to maintain its equilibrium.  All four of these components of fitness are important for overall health and well-being.

There are many different ways to improve your fitness. You can join a gym, take fitness classes, or simply start exercising on your own. There are many different types of exercise, so you can find something that you enjoy and that fits into your lifestyle. There are also a LOT of free videos and inexpensive fitness apps to help guide you along the way. (I post free workouts on Instagram each week @Hlthchic!)

If you are new to exercise, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them. Remind yourself,  “Every little bit helps. Every step counts”. It really does!

Improving your fitness is a lifelong journey. There will be times when you are motivated and times when you are not. But if you stick with it, you will reap the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some tips for improving your fitness:

  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with small goals and gradually increase them over time.
  • Find an activity that you enjoy. Exercise should be something that you look forward to, not something that you dread.
  • Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Schedule time for exercise each day and stick to your schedule as much as possible.
  • Find a workout buddy. Exercising with a friend can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  • Listen to your body. Take breaks when you need them and don’t push yourself too hard.
  • Be patient. It takes time to see results from exercise. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.

Once you find the activities you enjoy most, make appointments with yourself to help stay on track. Improving your fitness is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being. Remember, building and maintaining MUSCLE (lifting weights) is a marker related to overall longevity. Today is some day. Carpe Diem.

Won’t you join me on this journey? It is a journey that is well worth taking.


P.S. To understand how lifting weights and muscle impacts your overall health, see these prior blog posts:


Have you started a workout program only to have it derailed when life gets busy or tough?  Friends, I’m here to tell you: You.Can.Do.This. YOU are strong. See, strength isn’t about being the fastest or running the farthest.  Strength is about showing up for your commitments to yourself consistently & with a positive attitude.

Big, bodacious goals are great. But…did you know there is a LOT of success achieved when reaching 80% of your goals? You see, it’s not about perfection and 100% day in, day out. It’s about the consistency of effort. Consistency is arguably the most important component when working to accomplish goals, in or out of the gym. Without consistency, efforts can be thwarted and forming habits can be more challenging.

If you find yourself struggling to stay on track, check out the strategies below to help with your health and fitness goal success:

Remember your why. Whether you’re prepping for the next competition, trying to get healthy, learning a new skill, or just trying to live life fuller, remember why you are trying to workout. Find your why, write it down, and reference it often!

Something is better than nothing. Have you ever skipped the gym because you couldn’t finish your workout?  It is always better to do something than nothing at all. When you do something, you begin to develop a habit/routine that improves your health.  If you walked instead of working out intensely, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you did something.

Find an activity you enjoy that keeps your body moving whether it is going on a walk, riding a bike, playing a game of soccer or basketball, practicing handstands (a work in progress for me), or whatever.  Just do it.

The key is not to prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities.  Let’s be honest, life can get busy and hectic and crazy. Make taking care of yourself a priority so you can take care of others.   When you have the most energy in the day, so do your best to work out then. Schedule it.  Pay attention when you hear yourself say, “I don’t have time” because what you are really saying is that “It’s not important enough”. Schedule your priorities.

Listen to your body. Follow your body’s cues and modify your workouts accordingly.  Instead of doing your full workout, you can modify weights or the number of sets — or even do some mobility/stretching. Not only is it ok, but it’s also smart to listen to your body and adjust.

Imagine how you will feel after your workout (or a week or month or year)! Our bodies are meant to move and a body in motion stays in motion.  Visualizing the “after” can help.

Find community and accountability. Surround yourself with others who are seeking similar actions. This is huge for me. I am SO grateful to my fitness friends for our mutual motivation & learnings shared over the years.

Create a plan with SMART goals. Write them down, post them where you can see them, and then share them with your friends and family. There are many ways to set goals and track success – experiment and find what works for you. (See my blog posts on goal setting.)

I hope these strategies help you get and stay on track with your workouts!


  • No one is perfect
  • Everyone’s “strong” looks different, and
  • Consistency has a bigger impact than anything

Consistency is more powerful than strength and speed and it will take you further than stamina and talent in this journey.

So, you got this. YOU are strong. And yes, you can!

As always, so thankful for your time for reading.


Friends, working out can be tough — but it’s a lot easier when you have someone to help you stay motivated. Workout partners can provide support, encouragement, and accountability — all of which can help you reach your fitness goals.

In addition, working out with a partner can make the activity more enjoyable. You can talk and laugh while you work out, which can help you make the time go by faster. You can also push each other to work harder and achieve more. Many of my best friends over the years are women I’ve worked out or run with.

If you don’t have a workout partner, there are many ways to find one. You can ask friends or family members if they would be interested in working out with you. You can also join a fitness class or group, or find a workout buddy online. 

Once you find a workout partner, share your goals and consider setting some together. This will help you stay on track and motivated. You should also communicate with each other regularly to make sure you’re both on the same page.

Working out with a partner can be a great way to improve your fitness and your overall health. If you’re looking to get in shape, consider finding a workout partner to help you reach your goals.  They can help you stay motivated, accountable, and safe. They can also make working out more fun and enjoyable. And…they are cheaper than therapy!!

Find a partner & #buddyup today!


Are you a little concerned that your good work to date will get derailed this holiday season? Don’t despair, healthy living does not mean total deprivation. It does, however, require a few strategies to keep you on the right track.  Here are a few ways you can limit temptations over the holidays:
  1. Drink up. (Water…that is!) You’d be surprised at the difference dehydration can make. It’s often mistaken for hunger. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
  2. Out of sight, out of mind.  You know how there’s a reason for product placement at the grocery store? Do your own “marketing” at home by removing food or snacks not healthy for your family. Out of sight, out of mind.
  3. Keep a log so you can identify triggers and are realistic about input/output. Most folks overestimate calories burned and underestimate calories consumed. Keep it real.
  4. Know your limit. Can you indulge a little? Or does one bit turn into the entire bag/box? If the latter is the case, then that means no sugar should pass your lips. So be it. Is it difficult to eat out if you see or smell dessert or French fries? If so, skip it for now. Honor thyself. If you CAN indulge a little, go for it. Enjoy it, savor it, and then add some extra workout time. It’s all good.
  5. Good fats help resist the sugar urge. As does protein. Eat up.
  6. Create a bit of crazy. Visualization, that is. If sugar is still tempting you, imagine your sugar free life and the healthy/energetic/lean self you’ll be sporting! SEE it, claim it, then make the choice that aligns with that vision.
  7. Change your habits…or people around you. We talked about this one before. If you eat mindlessly while watching TV, don’t let yourself watch TV unless you are on the elliptical. Or, avoid that “friend” who eats junk food in front of you daily while you nurture your self goals.
  8. Lead the way. Influence your friends and be the change you want to be. Cook healthy, commit to exercise. Healthy habits beget other healthy habits.
  9. Commit publically. With your friends, family, online. Ask to be held accountable. It works!
  10. Take a nap! This is a goal every weekend (for me). It doesn’t always occur, but when it does, it’s soooo sweet! I find I want sugar when I’m tired. Not to mention I get a little bit grumpy when I’m in need of more zzzz’s.
Last, it’s not about being perfect, but choosing to make better decisions, more frequently, and more consistently over time. Becoming healthier is a journey.  And tomorrow always brings a new day.    That’s awesome.  So next time you are faced with that fork in the road, ask yourself, “What have I got to gain?”
Until next time, choose fit, be strong. And, laugh often.
By now, you’ve seen and heard plenty about the impact of your social environment and how you can catch obesity and other unhealthy habits from your friends and fam.  The half full cup view on this is true, too. You can “catch” good health and fitness, as well.  Turns out you can reap benefits whether your social network is in close physical proximity or virtual. Cool, huh? 
Do you remember the professors several years back who spread the word about the quality of your social sphere on health?  If your network has bad habits (eating, drinking, little sleep, excessive TV/gaming, overweight or smoking)…chances are you have those same habits.
If you have a second, check the studies out. Compelling stuff.  
So… unhealthy behavior is quite communicable. According to the studies, your chance of becoming obese increases:


  • 57 % when one of your friends is obese
  • 40 % chance if it’s one of your siblings, and
  • 37 % if it’s your spouse.  

But hey, before you start looking around…remember the flip side. Because health and behavior are linked so closely, that means that any health state connected to habitual behaviors is communicable. (Big sigh, right?!)  Even more good news: social connections can also improve your health. Think about how effective support groups are, right?  People who hang around others who think positively also tend to think positively. You can lose weight, gain energy, and get fit together just as easily.

Those closest to us have the most impact, but even a distant contact can have a nice impact. 
Now, before you go ditching those less than perfect around you, remember having friends (al Beit even the unhealthy ones) will still add happiness and longevity to your life.  In that case, why don’t YOU have a positive impact on them?  Your fitness and health decisions will have the ripple effect through your whole social circle, eventually coming right back to you in the form of increased social support.  I have to smile when my college son teases me and buys gluten free products because information I’ve shared over the years sunk in. (Yay) When he was taking nutrition, he said it was a breeze because he’d picked up so much information through osmosis. I <heart> that.
Next time you’re digging deep for a reason to go to the gym, or  or pack a lunch instead of hitting the drive-thru, this may be a perspective to consider. Even if you’re not hugely motivated to make a healthy choice for yourself, you may be a little more willing to do it for the sake of the people you care about — or even for those you don’t know. According to the studies, your actions are influencing 1000 people. That’s huge. Take charge of your health and improve the world one healthy habit at a time.
To my fit friends who inspire or motivate me to eat clean, run, lift, train harder, or get to bed sooner: THANK you. You guys are the BOMB!
Choose fit. Laugh often, be contagious.


“Pay attention to your intuition. Listen to your heart. Speak your mind. Love yourself so that you can love others. Smile.” ~Nishan Panwar

In parts I & II of the blog series, “Be Your Best You”, we talked about nourishment of the mind with a little down time and last week we talimageked about nourishment of the body through exercise, nutrition, hydration, and sleep. Today’s blog, Part III, is about strengthening the soul through self-love, love of others, spirituality and laughter.

The first ingredient of soul care is self-love. It’s natural to take care of other people/things we love…but to trul y love others we have to love ourselves first. The Golden Rule tells us to “love your neighbor as you love yourself”. Self-love isn’t being arrogant or getting our way, but it does require knowing our boundaries, being kind to ourselves (learning how to say no), and honoring our values. When we live from a place of self-love, the world mirrors compassion and love back to us.

Once we learn to love ourselves, we may offer a better self to those around us. Loving others is ingredient number two. It lowers risks of chronic diseases, stress, and brings emotional happiness. When we do acts of kindness through service, it connects us to those we serve and gives us a kind of satisfaction that self-interest cannot provide.
Ingredient number three is spirituality, or connecting to something bigger than ourselves. Mainstream science has proven that we are wired to believe. So, not only are we built to connect, the more we connect and develop our spiritual selves through meditation, prayer or other means, the healthier and happier we live.

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” ~Victor Borge

The last ingredient to nurturing the soul is laughter. Laughter releases tension and relaxes us. Physiologically, it benefits the body like a light workout by increasing blood flow, boosting energy, burning calories and aiding sleep. In other words, it’s time to get silly. When laughter is shared, it bonds people together increasing intimacy. Best of all, it’s fun and free.

Self-love, loving others, spirituality, and laughter are four key ingredients to strengthen your soul. What’s holding you back from loving yourself in a way that inspires and brings forth beauty? Be patient with the process and allow it to unfold. You will find you are ready to compete again, but stronger and better.


Carpe diem!



“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later
have to find time for illness.” ~Edward Stanley

We know our best self requires a strong foundation of mind, body and soul. Sometimes life’s pace throws us off course and before we know it, we aren’t functioning optimally. When performance suffers in athletics, it is recommended to ease up on training, step back and focus on rebuilding and strengthening the core, the body’s foundation. After that, athletes return to the training program at hand, but stronger and better. Last week, we discussed nourishing the mind by slowing down and “taking 5” to reboot our brains. Continuing the dialogue of becoming your best you, today’s topic is nourishment of the physical body through exercise, nutrition, hydration, and sleep.

Exercise: Sitting is the new smoking. What? Yeah, our lives of convenience are taking a toll on our health. The studies are in. Daily movement is tres importante. Activity trackers are great tools to remind us how long our butt’s been in a chair by monitoring steps, workouts, sleep, etc. Find your fit because one size does not fit all. Do what you enjoy most so you’ll keep doing it. Yes, it’s important to get resistance training in. But that can come in different forms, as does cardio and flexibility. The high intensity intervals we suggested in last week’s blog (go hard, take a breather, go hard, rest, etc.) works well with cardio and lifting weights. Try Tabata. Increase your strength, stamina and mind at the same time. So be like Nike and just do it (repeatedly)!

Nutrition: Eat real, whole, fresh foods. Hippocrates was right. Food IS thy medicine. What we eat provides much more than fuel. It affects our immune system, plays a role in hormone regulation, intestinal health, and impacts a myriad of diseases. The most important action item we can do in this arena is to take back control of cooking. You don’t have to be a chef or spend much time in the kitchen. There are many healthy recipe options to choose from. Focus on foods in season, eat local, and look up recipes on Pinterest. Involve the family and eat mindfully. Turn the TV off and don’t be swayed by the high cost of cheap food.

“Water is the only drink for a wise man.” ~Henry David Thoreau

Hydration: Henry knew that water is integral to our health. In fact, more than half a person’s body is made up of water, so even mild dehydration can compromise the efficiency of most bodily functions, including boosting resting metabolism. Don’t wait until you are thirsty. Drink up and reap the benefits of good hydration: lower blood pressure, flushing of toxins, reduction of allergy/asthma symptoms, speedier joint and tissue repair, boosts in mood and energy, and of course weight loss/weight maintenance.

Sleep: Surveys are increasingly noting that most Americans are getting less than 6 hours a night, while 7-9 are better numbers. Like water, sleep deficiency contributes to many health issues like weight gain, high blood pressure, decreased immune function, impaired memory, and higher levels of inflammation which are linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging. On the performance side, improving our sleep quality and quantity will increase creativity, work and athletic performance. ‘Nuff said, sleep matters!

The great thing about nourishing our body through the areas above is that WE can reclaim control ourselves. That’s awesome. Optimal living at our fingertips.

Today is a great day to re-commit. Then compete. I’ll see you at the finish line (yawn) after I take a nap!


(blog posted by Compete Every Day)

7 day

“Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball

Society seems to prize busyness. Being “on” at all times has become an expectation. Kudos to those who are focused, have a plan, and busy are working it. You possess the necessary ingredients for goal achievement! Being too busy, however, has a cost. Ironically, it negatively impacts the very success we are trying to achieve. If we go down the busy path too long taking care of the kids, the job, the home, relationships, etc., exhaustion creeps in. We wear down our nervous system and dampen our ability to be our most productive self. Racing from point A to point B, we produce and we provide. We are “on” at all the right times. However, the more externally we focus and the larger our “to-do” lists grow, the more inefficient (& unhealthy) we become. It is necessary then, to become our best self, we must slow down and nourish ourselves in mind, body and soul. To be our best self, we need to step back and rebuild our foundation. Today’s topic is nourishment of the mind through downtime. A little bit of nuttin’, honey.

You might think being idle is nuts, a waste of time. But, taking a few minutes of “nothing” can add up to a whole lot of something. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and that, my friends, brings a slew of healthy benefits.

See, when we’re too busy, nothing new can come to mind. Creativity is dampened. Science has proven, however, that if we carve a little “mind space” we reap some cool benefits. Unstructured time allows for a process of incubation which is where our best ideas and solutions can come from. Not convinced to take a time out yet? The Energy Project study found that associates who took “time outs” increased their creative capacity in a huge way and enjoyed a greater level of health and mental well-being. Overwork has the opposite effect; less engagement, feeling worn out, a significant decrease in creativity/problem resolution, making mistakes, and so on.

High intensity intervals (HIIT) isn’t just effective in workouts, it’s an effective work/life strategy. Intense periods of focus should be balanced by time (breaks) allowing for rest and renewal. Short breaks boost digestion, lower the heart rate, increase work capacity, and elevate moods. So, go ahead, take a break. Observe how “energy management” can aid time management. Close the door. Turn off the phone. Or, step outside. Be still for 5-10 minutes a couple times each day. It may take a little getting used to, but the more you do less, the better you will be.

By making ourselves our own wellness mission, we can do better in serving others AND achieving our goals. Nourishing the self is essential to health, happiness and well-being.

Take 5 to renew. Then compete, better. Every day.

Choose fit. Be still. Live strong.7 day

~Lisa Read More →

It’s soooo easy to lose focus these days. With all our technological tools, productivity apps, and lifestyles of convenience, we’d be a bunch of smooth, focused goal-achieving machines, right?  Masters of our universes. Yet the reality is that it’s far too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. Social status updates, emails, texts, twitter,  checking the stock exchange or game scores, and 24/7 availability make it ever-so-easy  to lose focus on what matters most: our friends & family, our health, career goals, and co-creating our universe.  Life happens. But if we’re not careful, we find ourselves caught in a costly conundrum and we miss our mojo.

Sometimes it’s something big—like a relationship ending, the loss of a job, the death of a friend, or an investment gone bad that initiates the detour.  For many of us, it’s nothing big—just the small, incremental creep of exponential external stimuli. We know when this happens. We feel it. We feel run down. Negative thoughts creep in. We find ourselves in reactive mode, out of control, and depressed. Along with this, our immunity drops. Darn it, our mojo is missing! Our actions are not aligned with our goals.

To get it back, try following these three steps:

  1. Start with the end in mind. Remind yourself of your goals, and then start small. Do you have action steps and know the next steps to take? If not, this could be what’s throwing you off. (Actions should be Specific/Measurable/Attainable/Realistic/Timeframe = SMART.) Post your goals and next 3 action steps where you see them. Consider them first thing each morning and again before bed. Allow a few minutes of quiet time each day.  Vison boards might be helpful—or post it notes.  Do your friends and family know your goals? Share them and enlist their support.
  2. Identify the distractions and know what breaks you down. While I ‘m not a fan of dwelling in the past, noting distractions is important in order to set necessary boundaries—especially with technology. Limit the # of times you check your email or phone. (For example, limit email to 3 times a day for X minutes and initiate “phone free periods”. There are apps to help you manage!) Resist the technology urge and remember a distracted reactive state of mind leads to rushing, carelessness, and loss of focus. Figure out what distractions to give up and set limits on those that are essential.
  3. Consider excuses, and then be nice to yourself. Some of our biggest obstacles lie in our heads. Attitude IS everything and the mind can be a powerful friend– or foe. The good news is: that’s in your control, however it may take practice. Like Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” Find a mantra to help and replace negative thoughts. J Focus on the things you do right and forgive yourself for the things done wrong. Then get back on track and recommit.

Remember, the great thing about this wonderful life is that every day brings an opportunity to begin again. And, when you say yes to one thing, you say no to something else. Choose your yeses and you’ll find your focus.  It will feel good. Then, hellooooo mojo!

Until next time, choose your fit. Live strong. Laugh often.

(blog written for Compete Every Day )

What have you got to lose?