Hi friends, is this you? Often, when starting a workout and weight loss program, we want to see results quickly! But…this can often lead to extreme measures (crazy, long workouts or super low-calorie diets) that are impossible to sustain.

To lose weight, start by making small, sustainable changes to your daily routine instead of trying to do too much at once. This will help you build discipline and avoid feeling overwhelmed, which can lead to giving up.

These small, repeatable habits will lead to lasting results.

So even if they seem small or insignificant, focus on doing them consistently. Remember, what we do consistently, we get good at.

If we consistently do things that make us gain weight, we will gain weight. If we consistently do things that help us lose weight, we will lose weight.

So focus on repeatable habits that can help you build a healthy lifestyle and see the results snowball over time.

Here are some examples of small, repeatable habits that can help you lose weight:

  • Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Add a squeeze of lemon or a few drops of chlorophyll for an added health boost.
  • Eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts as a snack instead of chips or candy… or start skipping snacks.
  • Take a walk after dinner instead of watching TV.
  • Track your steps and increase them each week.
  • Schedule your workouts – or work in short micro workouts throughout the day (try my Tabata workouts!)
  • Add stretching pre & post workouts.
  • Pay attention to protein intake and make sure you are getting at least 25-30 grams with every meal.
  • Cook more meals at home instead of eating out.
  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other small changes you can make to your daily routine to help you lose weight. The most important thing is to find habits that you can stick with over time.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about making progress…one small step at a time.

You GOT this!

P.S.  Our body doesn’t like change. It can feel threatened and this mechanism is a part of how it protects us to survive.

What I’m trying to say is the longer you’ve had the weight — or the farther you are from your goal, the longer it will probably take for you to get there — especially if it means hitting a new level of leanness you’ve never achieved before.

So while you may look at your friend who gained 12 pounds (like you) and you want your results to happen just as fast, IF you’ve had the weight on for a year and she just gained it on vacation, it’s probably going to come off more quickly for her.

Be patient. Be consistent. Don’t give up.


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