Friends, muscle loss is a common concern as we age, impacting strength, function, and overall health. Read on to learn what you need to know and how to combat or reverse it.

What is Muscle Loss?

Muscle loss, called sarcopenia, starts as early as your 30s and accelerates with age. It increases the risk of falls, and fractures, and limits daily activities. Experts believe inactivity, poor diet, genetics, and chronic conditions play a role.

The Good News:  Muscle loss is treatable! Here’s how:

  • Exercise: Strength training and aerobic activity are crucial.
  • Protein Power: Prioritize protein intake and consider EAA supplements for better absorption. (Check out my last few posts related to this subject…you’ll see why it’s near and dear to my heart!)
  • Stress Management & Sleep: Reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.
  • Regular Checkups: Early detection is key.

You also may want to consider an amino acid supplement after talking with your functional medicine practitioner. Here’s what I take during different periods of the year depending on that quarter’s goals. 

By taking action today, you CAN build AND maintain muscle health, stay active, and age powerfully.


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