Goal setting can be a positive, powerful practice that sparks enthusiasm and provides clear direction. But, if adapted poorly, goal setting can have a serious downside that may undermine success. Poor goal setting can waste time and make people cynical fostering confusion about where to concentrate actions and energy. To achieve your goals, make them SMART!

Specific- What is your focus? How will you do that? What does that look like?

Measurable – How often will you do this?  What will you track and how?

Action Oriented – What is the behavior you will change?

Realistic- Don’t set yourself up for failure. Try setting smaller goals that lead to a bigger goal.

Timely – How long will it take? Is this a lifestyle change or a temporary goal?

Say for example, you set a goal of “eating better” in 2022. Great idea – we can all do better nutritionally, can’t we? So, what does that look like? How will you know you’ve achieved it if there isn’t some kind of measurement or tracking, specific tactics identified and with a time period of some sort? Ask yourself these questions as you keep “peeling the onion” and you’ll get to a SMART plan.

Let’s try this again.

I want to eat better in 2022.

What does that look like?

I will make sure to include colorful vegetables and/or fruit each day.

If you currently have days of no vegetables, you might start with a goal of eating a minimum of 2-3 vegetables each day. You can track this goal a number of ways. A simple check in calendar will do. It doesn’t need to be complicated, but if you don’t track progress, your chance of success will be diminished because you won’t know what to adjust or how.

Let’s keep peeling the onion…how else would “eating better” look like?

I will eliminate process foods such as bread, pasta, rice, chips, and crackers most days of the week.

That’s better….but, can we tighten that down? If you are eating these kinds of “foods” daily, try starting with 4 days/week with no processed foods or replacing them with healthier alternatives.

Ask yourself again. How else does “eating better” look like?

I will start each day with 2 glasses of water, or a glass of water with half a lemon and cayenne pepper, or a cup of tea before diving into coffee.

With this goal, there’s a time component (daily) and a specific action: starting the day with 2 glasses of water.

How else will you see results of eating better?

I will reduce bodyfat around my waist.  

That’s a good one that will increase your lifespan. How can you track that? There are several methods you could choose: use a measuring tape, track body fat percentage using a scale or gym tool, take a picture, or keep trying on that belt that got too snug. Each of these tracking measures could be done weekly.

There are many options to “eat better” that can be achieved with these SMART goals:

  1. I will start my day with 1-2 cups of filtered water with either lemon, greens or reds added.
  2. I will start reading ingredient labels on foods to ensure higher quality and avoid chemicals or poor-quality industrial oils.
  3. I will strive to eliminate processed (high glycemic) foods from my diet at least 4 days a week.
  4. I reduce bedtime snacks from daily to 2-3X/week until my waist is 2” smaller and I will commit to no more than 200 calories per snack.
  5. I will measure my waist (or hips or thighs) once a week to track body fat changes.
  6. I will review my goals daily and share them with my closest friends and family to enlist their support.

Maybe you haven’t been cooking meals at home, so reducing the number of times you eat out could be a goal (& save money!).

Once you’ve set some goals, what next? Surround yourself with like-minded people and share your goals for added support. Small daily changes can lead to sustainable progress. Be kind to yourself. While tracking progress may seem intimidating (or a pain in the a**), remember this: what you focus on is what can change or grow.  When you feel like quitting, remember why you started. Each day is a new opportunity to change and grow.

Also, it’s perfectly acceptable to adjust and changes goals along the way–but, if you aren’t tracking goals, you won’t know what to adjust. Maybe you need to eliminate processed foods 6 days a week because progress was too slow. Maybe you need to add a walk time each day.

Just remember to be kind to yourself. Change doesn’t occur overnight. Remind yourself of the benefits of these improvements. What have you got to GAIN? Longevity? Better sleep? Weight loss? Greater energy? Increased performance?

Turn your resolutions into reality. And make FIT happen!

It’s soooo easy to lose focus these days. With all our technological tools, productivity apps, and lifestyles of convenience, we’d be a bunch of smooth, focused goal-achieving machines, right?  Masters of our universes. Yet the reality is that it’s far too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. Social status updates, emails, texts, twitter,  checking the stock exchange or game scores, and 24/7 availability make it ever-so-easy  to lose focus on what matters most: our friends & family, our health, career goals, and co-creating our universe.  Life happens. But if we’re not careful, we find ourselves caught in a costly conundrum and we miss our mojo.

Sometimes it’s something big—like a relationship ending, the loss of a job, the death of a friend, or an investment gone bad that initiates the detour.  For many of us, it’s nothing big—just the small, incremental creep of exponential external stimuli. We know when this happens. We feel it. We feel run down. Negative thoughts creep in. We find ourselves in reactive mode, out of control, and depressed. Along with this, our immunity drops. Darn it, our mojo is missing! Our actions are not aligned with our goals.

To get it back, try following these three steps:

  1. Start with the end in mind. Remind yourself of your goals, and then start small. Do you have action steps and know the next steps to take? If not, this could be what’s throwing you off. (Actions should be Specific/Measurable/Attainable/Realistic/Timeframe = SMART.) Post your goals and next 3 action steps where you see them. Consider them first thing each morning and again before bed. Allow a few minutes of quiet time each day.  Vison boards might be helpful—or post it notes.  Do your friends and family know your goals? Share them and enlist their support.
  2. Identify the distractions and know what breaks you down. While I ‘m not a fan of dwelling in the past, noting distractions is important in order to set necessary boundaries—especially with technology. Limit the # of times you check your email or phone. (For example, limit email to 3 times a day for X minutes and initiate “phone free periods”. There are apps to help you manage!) Resist the technology urge and remember a distracted reactive state of mind leads to rushing, carelessness, and loss of focus. Figure out what distractions to give up and set limits on those that are essential.
  3. Consider excuses, and then be nice to yourself. Some of our biggest obstacles lie in our heads. Attitude IS everything and the mind can be a powerful friend– or foe. The good news is: that’s in your control, however it may take practice. Like Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” Find a mantra to help and replace negative thoughts. J Focus on the things you do right and forgive yourself for the things done wrong. Then get back on track and recommit.

Remember, the great thing about this wonderful life is that every day brings an opportunity to begin again. And, when you say yes to one thing, you say no to something else. Choose your yeses and you’ll find your focus.  It will feel good. Then, hellooooo mojo!

Until next time, choose your fit. Live strong. Laugh often.

(blog written for Compete Every Day )

What have you got to lose?

successIf you are about to embark on a new year and a healthier new you, hats off to you.  Sometimes change can be scary. It can be challenging. It can upset the “status quo” and even impact relationships. Even so, change is where real growth occurs, right? So, set your goals and visualize sweet success.

What’s the best way to ensure you achieve your goals?

  • Write them down
  • Identify clear action steps (those are the tactical, small action steps that get you to the bigger goals)
  • Make your goals public (share them, shout them, post them, make a vision board)
  • Enlist help from family and friends (get those closest to you involved & surround yourself with like-minded individuals)

And if you fall off the wagon somehow, give yourself a break. You’re human. Focus on what you’ve done right and good give yourself credit. Be cool with where you are. Then take the next small step. And keep going.

Remember, every little bit helps & consistency is key. I’m rooting for you!

Live strong. Be fit. Laugh often. And smile.