Necessity may be the mother of invention, but the story of artificial trans fats is one of unintended consequences. In the early 20th century, trans fats offered a solution: stable, solid fats that extended shelf-life and pleased consumers. However, health experts revealed a darker side, urging us to avoid trans fats. Yet, the rise of vegetable oils as a substitute raises questions about their safety.

A little history…
Warnings about the dangers of artificial trans fats emerged in the 1950s, but the food industry downplayed the risks. (Argh!) Continued research in the 1980s and 1990s confirmed the health hazards, with a pivotal 1993 study in The Lancet fueling action. By the 2000s, health organizations worldwide pushed for regulation. Finally, in 2006, the US FDA mandated trans fat labeling, and by 2020, their use in food products was banned.
Replacing trans fats with vegetable oils may offer a false sense of security. While vegetable oils are widely used and less harmful than trans fats, they still present health concerns. These oils are linked to an unhealthy omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, excessive linoleic acid, and potentially harmful free radicals from cooking. Research suggests potential links between vegetable oil consumption and various health risks, similar to those that led to the trans fat ban.

Reduce Vegetable Oils and Embrace Good Fats…

The concern is that traces of trans fats linger in common foods, while widely used vegetable oils raise alarming health concerns. (See my prior post about the Dangers of Seed Oils.)

What You Can Do:

  • Limit: Reduce seed oils like soybean, canola, and sunflower oil.
  • Swap: Choose healthier options like olive oil (for low heat), avocado oil (for higher heat), coconut oil (for cooking), butter, or ghee.
  • Read Labels: Look for “vegetable oils,” “hydrogenated” words, and named seed oils on labels.
  • Dine Out Mindfully: Ask restaurants to substitute unhealthy oils with healthier choices. (I try to remember to take my homemade dressing in these little portable dressing containers!)
  • Find Better Options: Use to locate restaurants using healthier oils.

Just do what you can and choose natural fats from avocados, fish, and nuts, and limit processed foods and artificial ingredients.

You got this! One step at a time.


Hey…what did you think I was referring to?

Friends, you know I hate to be the bearer of bad news, BUT the natural loss of muscle mass and strength as we age is associated with all-cause mortality and linked to the incidence of many chronic diseases…like cardiovascular disease and stroke, hypertension, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.

According to the National Institute of Health, muscle mass decreases 3-8% per decade after 30 and this rate of muscle decline is higher after 60!  Less muscle generally means a higher body fat percentage and higher body fat slows your metabolism down, NOT age.

Here are 5 ways to combat muscle decline:

  1. Eat protein (Ladies…are you getting enough?)
  2. Resistance train (Do you have a strength training routine that involves building muscle?)
  3. Increase your Omega 3s (Omega 3’sare anti-inflammatory and inflammation causes muscle to break down)
  4. Check your vitamin D levels (vitamin D helps with muscle protein synthesis)
  5. Walk (walking increases mobility and blood flow which helps with insulin and muscle repair)

If you don’t have access to a gym or some weights, resistance bands are an inexpensive option to help maintain or build muscle.  Many exercises can be done with resistance bands to work the upper or lower body. Here are a few upper body examples:

1. Overhead press

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in each hand with an overhand grip.
  • Raise the band up to shoulder height, then press it overhead until it is straight above your head.
  • Slowly lower the band back down to shoulder height, then repeat.

2. Chest press

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
  • Hold the band in each hand with an overhand grip, palms facing each other.
  • Slowly lower the band down to your chest, then press it back up to the starting position.

3. Bicep curl

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in each hand with a supinated grip (palms facing up).
  • Curl the band up to your shoulders, then slowly lower it back down.

4. Tricep extension

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in each hand with an underhand grip (palms facing down).
  • Bend your elbows and extend your arms behind you, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Slowly lower your arms back down to the starting position.

These are just a few examples of exercises that can be done with resistance bands to work the upper body. There are many other exercises that can be done, so find some that you enjoy and that challenge you.

Tips for using resistance bands:

  • When choosing a resistance band, start with a light band and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger.
  • Make sure to warm up before using resistance bands.
  • Focus on proper form and don’t sacrifice form for weight.
  • Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard.
  • Vary your workouts to keep your body challenged.

Resistance bands are a great way to add variety to your workouts and challenge your muscles. They are also a portable and affordable option for strength training. I take them with me when I travel!

Prevent sarcopenia (muscle loss) and get strong today.

Your body and your family will thank you.










Lifting weights is what I’m talking about! Resistance training. Working out with dumbbells, machines, barbells, bands, medicine balls, your own body weight, suspension training — or ANYthing for that matter that builds your muscles and bones. Why lift? Because my friends, lifting weights is the Fountain of Youth.

Seriously, resistance training can reverse most aspects of aging all the way down to your gene level. Going heavy activates the production of muscle stem cell satellite cells where the mitochondria apparently rejuvenate in a process called gene shifting. After just 6 months of resistance training 2-3 times per week, the biochemical, physiological and genetic signature of older muscle is “turned back” nearly 15 or 20 years. Pretty impressive, eh? No pill does that…

Resistance training helps us regain our strength, balance and coordination. It also improves bone mass and density, protects us against osteoporosis and lowers the chances of broken bones if we fall. Regular, progressive resistance training also improves our muscles’ longevity profiles at the molecular level. And, because our bodies respond quickly, it can take as little as 2 weeks for a regular program of progressive resistance training to increase protein synthesis rates in older adults. Want more science? Resistance training positively influences the neuromuscular system, hormone concentrations, and protein synthesis rate. Wowza.

Listen, I’m a big fan of moving. Exercise is good. Regular aerobic exercise like walking, swimming, running, or cycling strengthen the heart and lungs and can improve our muscle tone, but resistance training is “holy grail” of exercise because it can substantially slow (or reverse) declining muscle mass, bone density, and strength that used to be considered “normal” aging.  Research shows that adopting a lifestyle of fitness including aerobic training and resistance training helps stave off these age-related declines, and boosts brainpower. I find it interesting that aerobic and resistance training provide complimentary, but not overlapping benefits. Resistance training improves higher-level brain functioning such as effective multi-tasking, learning ability, decision-making, attention span and conflict resolution, while aerobic exercise improves memory. Things that make you go, “Hmm..!” Am I right?

Resistance training is also one of the best ways to increase your energy and boost your metabolism. Did you know that just 12 weeks of resistance training can significantly increase your levels of testosterone and DHEA, a hormone your body produces that helps with testosterone and estrogen production? The result is improved bone and muscle strength, slowing age-related changes in your body, strengthened immune system, and improved energy levels, mood and memory.

The ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends resistance training for people over 50 at least 2-3 times a week, focusing on the major muscle groups including arms, legs and core. While lifting light weights provides some benefit, it’s best to stress your body by using a weight you can’t lift more than 8-12 times (or repetitions).

It’s important to keep in mind that the workout intensity is critical, because real muscle fatigue is what triggers change in the body.

You can follow the steps below to ease into strength training and reap its rewards:

  • Start strength training 2-3 times per week, and add a rest day between workouts.
  • If you’re a beginner, work with light weights, and slowly add weight as your body adjusts to the new exercise.
  • If you don’t know the proper form or have pre-existing injuries, it’s a good idea to work with a personal trainer a few times to understand the basics and reduce the possibility of injury.
  • While it’s normal to feel sore the day after resistance training, you shouldn’t experience pain while lifting. If you do, that’s a warning sign of an existing injury, so again, it’s a good idea to work with a trainer.
  • As you get stronger, plan on adding weight once you can lift a weight properly without pain 15 to 20 times.

Take a look at your fitness routine and be sure to incorporate cardio, strength, and flexibility to help improve your overall fitness and mobility. And remember, the best way to ensure you’ll move consistently and accomplish your goals is to enjoy the journey. (And ladies, I promise…you won’t bulk up!)

Holler if I can help.

Until next time, live WELL, laugh often and LIFT!

Hey boo…I have bad news….our Standard American Diet is not only “S.A.D,” but it’s also packed with sugar (simple carbs) which has a negative impact on our health. But, alas, I also have good news: lowering our sugar intake can reduce these harmful health risks, as well ADD these benefits: 

We have the power to make positive change and we can do so by taking these 4 steps to improve our health today:

Eliminate added sugars. Don’t view this as a loss. It’s not. Instead, focus on what you can eat (protein, fat, fiber, and the right kinds of carbohydrates). Make sure you get enough protein as well. You can eat fiber-rich foods and quality fats like a scrambled egg with avocado, veggies, and sausage; chia pudding with protein powder; Greek yogurt with nuts and berries or protein powder whipped in; or a  chocolate smoothie. (See recipe section for ideas.)

Pay special attention to how you feel in your mornings and don’t wait too long to eat in the morning. While many intermittent fasting (IF) plans may have you holding off on your first meal until noon, that doesn’t work for every body. Pay attention to your body and how you feel. Don’t get me wrong, there are many benefits to IF and I do it several days a week myself, but it’s NOT for everyone.

Prioritize sleep to boost results. You may have an easier time keeping sweet cravings in check and blood sugar balanced if you’re well rested, so aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night

Use sweeteners as desired. Consider using them in your morning coffee or tea, or stevia-sweetened beverages like Zevia (we love the grape and “Dr. Pepper” flavors).

To help with #1 above, reducing sugar in your diet, keep in mind that sneaky sources of added sugars can be found in a variety of foods, including frozen vegetables with sauces, frozen meals, salad mixes, condiments (dressing, marinade, sauces), prepared food from the grocery store hot bar, dried fruits, nut mixes, non-dairy milk, and flavored coffee and tea drinks.

We have to become label savvy! Start with the foods in your pantry along with your next trip to the grocery store. Check ingredient lists closely for added sugars & familiarize yourself with their names to avoid unintentionally raising blood sugar:

  • Glucose
  • Sucrose
  • Fructose
  • Lactose
  • Dextrose
  • Maltose
  • Malt sugar
  • Malt syrup
  • Maltodextrin
  • Corn syrup
  • Cane sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Agave nectar
  • Coconut sugar
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Beet sugar
  • Molasses
  • Fruit juice concentrates
  • chronic diseases.

Once you’ve started checking labels more closely and have started to cut down on sugar intake, it shouldn’t take you more than 4-8 weeks to be feeling pretty darn good, with fewer symptoms and cravings, and greater ease in making healthy food choices. Willpower is like a muscle – it gets stronger the more you use it!

You CAN maintain this way of eating for the long haul, and…it’s also okay if to occasionally consume some of the foods eliminated. Remember, this journey is not about perfection, but consistently committing to your health.

Let’s do this together — one step at a time. I mean, what have you got to GAIN?

Until next time, live well, laugh often, hug a pet (or human) and MOVE!

Don’t we all want a robust, healthy life? I do! To feel and look our best then, it is important to maximize energy production so we feel naturally energetic all day and preserve and maintain lean muscle mass throughout life.

How does inferior energy production occur? It is the result of… (drumroll) … too much stillness.  Inactivity makes you tired. Energy is a renewable resource, so if we don’t get brief explosive intervals and burn calories through other forms of movement and exercise, we have less energy. When we lead an energetic lifestyle, it leads to more energy. Funny how that works. We see this impact with aging and lifespan.

What about muscle? Unfortunately, we (society) have begun to normalize accelerated declines of muscle as a part of aging. It’s NOT normal. The spare tire is a sign of less than stellar metabolic health – not aging. Much of what is considered a result of aging is a byproduct of lifestyle. But, that’s good news because that means we have the power to positively impact our health. We have now learned that lean muscle mass is basically a proxy for good metabolic health.

Bottom line: the more we can focus on improving body composition & increasing energy levels, the better our health AND the more gracefully we will age. (nice side benefit!)

To achieve those two objectives, below are five tips to help:

  1. Reduce or eliminate junk food (processed foods) from the diet.
  2. Emphasize nutrient dense foods.
  3. Move more throughout the day. (Check out my workout tab for Instagram reels offering a variety of 4-minute Tabata style workouts!)
  4. Perform brief, intense workouts.
  5. Practice stress management.

Since many people start the new year with weight loss goals, below is an expansion on the first tip above (#1). 

Pay attention to oils. I’ve talked about industrial seed oils in my reels (along with a quick & easy balsamic dressing recipe), but here’s why paying attention to these oils matters: consuming processed foods WILL lead to sneaky weight gain. Try making use of Extra Virgin First Pressed Domestic olive oil as a priority (or avocado oil, as runner up). Understand “why” & search for the negative impacts of industrial seed oils and READ ingredient labels to see which products contain these nasty oils. BTW, even your favorite restaurant is using the cheap stuff and most (even “healthy”) salad dressings contain damaging oils. Also of interest is that studies show that up to 40% of calories consumed when dining out come from these industrial seed oils – so it’s difficult to avoid!  These poor quality seed oils interfere with your body’s ability to burn stored fat.  Often these ugly oils are paired with processed foods (#1).  When cooking at home, ditch canola oil and try ghee, coconut butter, avocado oil or olive oil. Set aside some time to check out your pantry and fridge and get rid of processed “foods” with these oils. Sadly, our “Standard American Diet” is truly S.A.D.  (Check out the book, “Why We Get Fat” at your local library).

Ditch refined sugars and grains. These are deficient in nutrients and contribute to many health issues by releasing endotoxins from the gut and inhibit energy.  

Watch for foods high in natural plant toxins. These high plant toxin foods often contribute to leaky gut. This concept of avoiding or reducing offensive plants is part of the carnivore movement. I’m not advocating a specific diet, but asking you to be aware of how certain foods make you feel. Since plants cannot run away, they possess their own defense mechanisms for protection.  Pay attention to how you feel after consuming these foods (stems, seeds, roots, etc.) to determine if they bother you, and id so, consider other options to prepare or cook them differently (soak, sprout, ferment, cook) — or if you avoid them all together. (Check out research and information from Paul Saladino, MD & make up your mind.)

Avoid gluten – it’s is a big offender for many people & can increase the risk of leaky gut.

Last, pay attention to how you feel after you eat. You shouldn’t feel anything, really. Not full, not bloated, not tired, nothing. If you do, that food is likely to be one to avoid. At least for a few months before re-introducing it to your diet.

Listen, we are all in this journey of life together. The more we learn, share and apply positive actions to our lives, the better our lives will be.

Friends, live well, laugh often, and be playful.


Hey friends, how are you feeling these days…with work, family or the holiday season upon us? If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, maybe it’s time to take a breather and add intentional steps to alleviate stress.

By now you probably know that meditation and other recommended stress reduction techniques previously considered “new age” really work. Many high performers incorporate various forms of meditation into their daily lives because it works (and are a heck of a lot better than drugs & those nasty side effects).  There are many forms meditation from walking in nature, guided meditations (especially good if you have an active monkey brain like me), breathing exercises (try inhaling completely for 4 seconds, hold 7 seconds, exhale completely for 8, repeat 9 more times), or simply enjoying the love & affection of a pet. Try them out and see what suits you best.

Why is it important to work on controlling/limiting or reducing stress? Because with chronic stress, the brain atrophies…which means it gets smaller and less effective. When you are stressed, you release cortisol. With elevated cortisol, your brain begins overload and …then begins to degenerate.  The parts most affected are the areas of the brain associated with dementia/long term memory. 

There are also vascular impacts of stress on our brains due to the flight or fight response. This response releases hormones that decrease blood flow to our brain. Chronic stress has long term effects on our brains. 

What else happens? Well, elevated cortisol can also decrease circulation. That’s why it makes sense then to engage in an activity that causes an increase in circulation. Exercise increases your heart rate and oxygen to the brain. On the opposite side of the spectrum, long term sedentary activity decreases blood circulation all over the body.  Then, if you add a stress response to being sedentary and possibly a thyroid issue, all these factors impact the health of our brains. 

Public service message: The more intense the exercise, the better the benefit because your heart has to pump harder. Try intervals  or short bursts of increased energy/effort for 10-30 seconds, 10-15 times.   

To recap, we have the impact of stress and a sedentary lifestyle impacting our brains.  Now, let’s talk diet.  “Type 3 diabetes” is now used to describe dementia because if we indulge in sugar or processed carbs, we get too much insulin. Seriously, our bodies were not made to consume the sugar we load into them daily. Chronic surges of insulin also cause damage to the brain. I’m saying this with a lot of love….so hear me when I say, “If you are tired after meals, it’s time to review what you are eating.”  A normal response after a meal should be your hunger is vanished – NOT an energy surge – or an energy drop.

Small changes in our diets can make a HUGE difference with our brain health (& overall health & weight)! 

When it comes to gluten…there is a high correlation between neurological symptoms and gluten antibodies – most specifically with wheat gluten.  So if you have an inflammatory diet, you are inflaming your brain. It WILL begin to degenerate.  As these various factors (stress, blood sugar instability and/or surges, sedentary lifestyles, lack of circulation, poor diet) add up, we will begin to feel foggy. That “fog” is brain degeneration. You have a thought but can’t get to it. 

What would a balanced brain focused diet consist of?  The key is to eat a diversity of vegetables/plant fibers along with healthy fats and LIMITED sugar/processed carbs. Proteins can also be inflammatory with most inflammatory proteins being milk protein, egg protein, and soy protein. Experts suggest a diet that is A.) gluten & dairy free, B.) one that includes flax seed & fish oils (healthy fats), and for sure, C.) a diet low in sugar and processed carbs to prevent sugar surges, and D.) a diet FULL of diverse vegetables.

The bottom line is that anything that causes inflammation to the body has an effect on the brain.

That would include stress, diet, sedentary lifestyle, arthritis, food allergies,  auto immunity diseases, etc.  What’s the best way to support our brains?Ultimately, what we should do for a healthy lifestyle and weight is what we should do for our brain: eat properly, exercise with intensity to increase our heart rates, and supplement with dietary flavonoids like turmeric, resveratrol, and polyphenols.   Last, try meditation or breathing techniques to lower stress. Laugh. Help others. Try inversion. Get a pet. And educate yourself because you are worth it.  Some of my favorite recent reads include:

The good news is EVERY little bit helps and most of what helps is in our control.  Isn’t it nice that the things we can do to remain healthy, fit and active will also serve our brains well?

I think today is a great day to take action.  A friend of mine likes to ask, “What have you got to lose?”  Well, my friends, taking no action WILL lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia. It’s not a matter of “if” but “when”.  I think a better question is, “What have you got to gain?”

A long, beautiful, and healthy life.

Today IS some day.

Carpe Diem.

“I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.”     –Henry David Thoreau


There are soooo many positive benefits from engaging with nature! Study after study reveal that people who are more connected to nature feel less anxious. And, you don’t even have to move to reap benefits. Being  still OR being active outside  are both reprieves from everyday life. Some psychologists believe the busyness of our lives can overwhelm our attention spans while nature does not. Some experts suggest that we have an innate pull to the outdoors and are wired to seek connections to nature and other living things. All I cimg_4997an say is being outside soothes my soul and I absolutely love exploring trails, riding hills, sitting on a rock, or putting my toes in the sand while listening to the sounds of waves and seagulls. Quite simply, nature’s song and beauty nourishes our souls in a multitude of ways.

For my Cliff Notes readers, here’s short list of benefits from being outside:

  • Reduced anxiety & muscle tension
  • Renewed energy levels
  • Increased immunity & decreased stress hormones
  • Decreased blood pressure and lower heart rate
  • Mood elevation
  • Your vitamin D levels rise.

See, sunlight hitting the skin begins a process that leads to the creation and activation of vitamin D.  Studies suggest that this vitamin helps fight certain conditions, from osteoporosis and cancer to depression and heart attacks. Also, you’ll get more exercise since being outside should mean less time in front of the TV/computer and more time spent walking and doing other things that put the body in motion.

There’s no doubt about it. Nature is God’s “battery charger” for our minds, bodies and souls. I mentioned the benefit of taking short meditative breaks throughout the day in an earlier blog. Make it a priority to step outside, feel the sun on your face (vitamin D), listen for birds, walk through trees—or simply sit. You will serve your body and soul a big plate of restoration.

So my friends, what are you waiting for?


“There is pleasure in the pathless woods. There is rapture on the lonely shore. There is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea and music in its roar. I love not man the less, but Nature more.”     –Lord Byron



Until next time, choose fit, be happy, and get outside!


More reading:

5 Health Benefits of Playing Outside

Why Getting Outside is Good for You

The Science Behind Exercising Outdoors

Spending Time in Nature

Health Benefits of Working Out Outside

Not Convinced & Need to Read More?


Are you a little concerned that your good work to date will get derailed this holiday season? Don’t despair, healthy living does not mean total deprivation. It does, however, require a few strategies to keep you on the right track.  Here are a few ways you can limit temptations over the holidays:
  1. Drink up. (Water…that is!) You’d be surprised at the difference dehydration can make. It’s often mistaken for hunger. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
  2. Out of sight, out of mind.  You know how there’s a reason for product placement at the grocery store? Do your own “marketing” at home by removing food or snacks not healthy for your family. Out of sight, out of mind.
  3. Keep a log so you can identify triggers and are realistic about input/output. Most folks overestimate calories burned and underestimate calories consumed. Keep it real.
  4. Know your limit. Can you indulge a little? Or does one bit turn into the entire bag/box? If the latter is the case, then that means no sugar should pass your lips. So be it. Is it difficult to eat out if you see or smell dessert or French fries? If so, skip it for now. Honor thyself. If you CAN indulge a little, go for it. Enjoy it, savor it, and then add some extra workout time. It’s all good.
  5. Good fats help resist the sugar urge. As does protein. Eat up.
  6. Create a bit of crazy. Visualization, that is. If sugar is still tempting you, imagine your sugar free life and the healthy/energetic/lean self you’ll be sporting! SEE it, claim it, then make the choice that aligns with that vision.
  7. Change your habits…or people around you. We talked about this one before. If you eat mindlessly while watching TV, don’t let yourself watch TV unless you are on the elliptical. Or, avoid that “friend” who eats junk food in front of you daily while you nurture your self goals.
  8. Lead the way. Influence your friends and be the change you want to be. Cook healthy, commit to exercise. Healthy habits beget other healthy habits.
  9. Commit publically. With your friends, family, online. Ask to be held accountable. It works!
  10. Take a nap! This is a goal every weekend (for me). It doesn’t always occur, but when it does, it’s soooo sweet! I find I want sugar when I’m tired. Not to mention I get a little bit grumpy when I’m in need of more zzzz’s.
Last, it’s not about being perfect, but choosing to make better decisions, more frequently, and more consistently over time. Becoming healthier is a journey.  And tomorrow always brings a new day.    That’s awesome.  So next time you are faced with that fork in the road, ask yourself, “What have I got to gain?”
Until next time, choose fit, be strong. And, laugh often.

What if working out just 10 minutes a day was enough to improve your health, cheer you up, and help you maintain your weight? Often, I hear that well-intentioned friends say they don’t have the time to fit in workouts. Most of us, however, can fit in 10 minutes–at least once a day, if not several times during the day. That’s the effort I am encouraging. Just take 10.

I’m not saying trade the 30-60 minute sessions for 10 minutes. What I am saying is that just 10 minutes has tremendous health benefits, so if 10 is all you have, take it and your body will thank you. Multiple studies have come up with the same conclusion: Ten minutes makes a difference. A big difference. So, if you don’t have an hour to train today, that’s ok. But, do take 10 minutes so you can reap these benefits:

  • Build muscle
  • Boost your mood
  • Protect your joints
  • Reduce stress, and
  • Maintain weight

Muscle building is a big one if you are over 25 (more on that in a later blog) and more exercise IS usually better, especially for weight loss efforts. BUT, every little bit DOES make a difference. Just remember consistent effort is the key. And, take 10. Today!

Live strong. Be fit. Laugh often. And smile.


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